I've been working on a new art style for a comic. The first image is fan art for a friend's webtoon Malazu and the other two are the main characters for my own comic I'm currently scripting. The last image is a character art commission I worked on.

This was a character art commission with a setting. I drew everything digitally.

I have created a number of maps on commission. The first one is the last one I did. The second is the first one I ever made. The bottom two the islands on the right is a zoomed in look at the islands of the world map on the left.

I have gotten into battlemap making. This is my first battlemap in day, evening, and sunset.

This illustration was originally intended to be cover art for a book but ultimately I could not do what the author wanted and she went with someone else. I was able to change the art to make a nice illustration instead.
I had more plans for this image but when I got done with the landscape I realized I liked it just as it is. It was one of my first attempts at trying something more intricately painted.

This was a challenge to draw. I don't do a lot of digital paintings of people and so this painting was a learning experience.
None of these characters are original to me. This is technically fan art of a game called Ooblets that at this moment is not released yet. I have this in here for two reasons. The first is because I am proud of my painting. While I grew up doing traditional drawing and painting, I have only been digitally painting for about five years now. It's been a challenge and learning experience but I feel that these three images have shown improvement for me. My second reason is for the narrative element that runs through these three pictures.

This was a painting I made for my best friend as a wedding present. It's acrylic paint on canvas. I added this because it has a nice color palette and the subject is nicely balanced in the painting.